Saturday, December 1, 2012

Giving Your Blog Posts Magnetic Power

You put a great deal of thought and effort into your blogs. Your goal is to magnetize your readers so that they will interact with you and with others. You need to keep them coming back to read.

You have a nice amount of traffic to your blog but you notice that it isn't increasing at the rate that you would like and that people are not engaging in discussions with you and your other readers to the extent that you would like them to engage. It can be very frustrating, considering that you have put so much time and effort into making your blog exactly what you think it should be for your business and for your audience.

Is your blog exciting?

The first thing that you need to ask yourself is if your blog posts are exciting enough for your audience to stay captivated by your content over the long run. If you can't answer "yes" to that question, you will need to reassess the impact that your content has and how exciting and engaging it really is. With that amount of competition (in the form of blogs) on the Internet nowadays, if your writing isn't stimulating, exciting, compelling and informative, you may as well forget about it altogether. You need to have something to say that is really fascinating to your readers. If your content is uninteresting, that may be one of the main reasons for people not reading your posts on a regular basis. Your writing should be presented in an interesting manner, such as using humor, telling a really good story, pulling some of the emotional strings, etc. Whichever topic you choose for your writing, you should always take a stand and stick to it. Remember that people won't be willing to read what doesn't interest them, no matter who is sharing the content.

It is an excellent idea to do some research in order to establish what your readers want and need. You need to make them feel glad about having made the effort to visit your blog. You don't want them to feel as though they have wasted their time on you. You might want to mention to your readers about some interesting promotion that you have either heard about from some other business or that you are offering in own business. Unlike static website content, with a blog, you communicate with the other person. You interact. As you are writing your blog content, keep in mind that you are speaking with your readers. It is extremely important that your readers have a sense that there is a human being behind your blog posts. They need to understand that they are not just numbers but that you regard them as human beings with whom you are very excited to have a two-way conversation about topics that impassion you.

Consistency and frequency

Undoubtedly, you have read on several occasions that when it comes to posting blog content, you need to follow a consistent schedule. Not only should you post your blog content on the same number of times each week but you should also post your content on the same days and at the same time each week. You are building a following and it is important that you give people a schedule that they can count on. Before you know it, they will be looking forward to your next post. Of course, it also goes without saying that you should always provide your readers with top-quality content every time. It is also critical that you make an effort to post as often as possible. The more content you share with your readers, the more readers you will acquire. Consistency and frequency are absolutely mandatory if your business is to succeed.

Aesthetic appeal

As you are having your blog designed, it is very important that you keep in mind the appeal that it will have for your readers. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your readers. If you assess your blog design and feel that it does nothing for you, the chances are great that it won't do anything for your readers either. If it does nothing for your readers, they won't be interested in reading your content either. If you aren't sure what your readers would find appealing, there is nothing wrong with asking them what they want. A short survey to your readers would most likely prove to be very useful in helping you to determine what does appeal to them. Another interesting way to attract your readers is to keep the content fresh by introducing guest bloggers once in a while. You shouldn't do it very often because your writing is the main content that you want to share; however, other people's perspectives can definitely prove to be very interesting on many occasions. Along those same lines, you can also write wonderful blogs for other people's blogs (people who have blogs with a tremendous number of readers).


There are many different ways to get your readers to show an interest in your blogs and to be excited about coming back for more. It is important to make sure that the writing is exciting, compelling, humorous (if appropriate) and educational. You need to present content to your readers that helps them to solve whatever problems they are experiencing and you want them to turn to you first when they have a need that they think you can fulfill. Engaging in stimulating, active discussions with your readers is important and will help to make people interested in reading what you are posting. You want them to look forward to what you are sharing.

We are pleased to provide you with the insightful comments contained herein. For a free assessment of your online presence, let's have coffee.

Posting Ideas To Get Traffic To Your Blog   Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?   How to Keep Your Audience Interested in What You're Saying   The Lazy Bloggers Way to Creative Copywriting   Things to Look For in an SEO Expert   Online Marketing System: Earn While You Learn How to Promote Your Own Stuff   

How to Connect With Your Target Audience

Before you set some time up to go and look for your target audience please take some time to figure out who is your audience. Understand that it's very important to know who you need your message to go to. Too many times we want to reach everyone but we all don't talk the same or have the same pain points. Talking to me is different from talking to divorced women in her 50s or 35 year old single mom. As you continue to work on your marketing message and gather clients start with knowing and understanding your customers.

Once you are familiar with your audience you now must figure out what to do or how to reach them. This step can be fun to some and tedious to others. This step requires a bit of ongoing research and patience. In this step you want to find out where your target audience hangs out. What forums and Facebook pages do they like? What groups are they apart of? Are they on LinkedIn, What blogs are they reading? You want to find out where they are so you can hang out with them. I'm not talking about shoving more salesy stuff in there face, but really getting to know them and understand their needs. By reading what they read, and being in the forums they are in you begin to get into their mind and get a feel of what they need and are looking for. This can be valuable information for you and your business. You may realize that your product or service may need to be altered a little or you are offering something they don't need at all. This will give you some great insight to your audience.

Also while you are hanging out feel free to interact with them. Don't sell to them, but answer a few questions if you can. Show your audience that you can provide them with information they need. Just be a friend providing information. You can also take their questions and create a blog post providing them with the answers they are looking for. If one person in your audience has this question, it's safe to say that others have this same question a well.

Action Step

Make a list of forums, groups, magazines, anything that your target audience may be a part of or reading. Figure out how you can be a part of their community. Secondly spend a few minutes a day hanging out in their community and seeing what kind of questions they have and maybe even answer a few questions here or there. You may even find content for a blog post.

Posting Ideas To Get Traffic To Your Blog   Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?   How to Keep Your Audience Interested in What You're Saying   The Lazy Bloggers Way to Creative Copywriting   Online Marketing System: Earn While You Learn How to Promote Your Own Stuff   

Business Blog: A Powerful Marketing Tool for Your Company

There are so many online tools that you can use for your business; some of the most popular sites include Twitter where companies can tweet updates about their business; Facebook's fan page also offers a free service where you can make a company page allowing you to post not only updates on your products but photos too! Pinterest is similarly making its way to the top ranking social media sites being used by many entrepreneurs today, its unique platform has found its way to many businessmen's hearts. And the recently famous Instagram also has captured the attention of many businesses and companies; they simple post photos of their services and products allowing followers to post comments, questions and even suggestions.

And while these social media marketing tools prove effective, there is still that one indispensable tool that entrepreneurs maintain for their businesses: Business Blog.

One great thing about business blogs is how they can be readily available in search engines, allowing customers to find it easily; additionally, they also target specific group and audiences which allows readers to interact and posts queries and comments. You can also collaborate with other company blogs by having their content linked to your blog; this technique doubles the effectiveness of your business blog.

The main reason for fashioning business blogs is to promote your own business, yes, but would it also be helpful to post other materials and contents that can serve as a learning tool for your readers? For instance, you can post a quick How-To article in your blog instead of simply writing all about your business.

People look for fresh and helpful content all the time, and when you learn to incorporate this in your business blog, you are not simply advertising your own business but you are similarly helping your readers become more learned. You may want to take some time to examine your blog and see if it's the kind people look for.

Posting Ideas To Get Traffic To Your Blog   Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?   How to Keep Your Audience Interested in What You're Saying   Things to Look For in an SEO Expert   Online Marketing System: Earn While You Learn How to Promote Your Own Stuff   

10 Free Wordpress Plugins Your Blog Needs

So maybe you are just beginning steps in the "blogging arena". Or it's possible you've been doing this for a while and are simply looking for different, suggested plug-ins. At any rate, if you're a "wiz" or not, plug-ins are necessary to the format of your blog. What's even better, are plug-ins that are completely free. So let's start here, exactly what is a plug-in? A plug-in, by description, is a collection of software components that offers specific skills to a even bigger application. Quite frankly this, it's a function that improves a larger project- your blog is the larger mission.

Initially when I first started out blogging, I had not a clue what plug-ins were, what their purpose was, or exactly how they could make my blog superior. Now I know. I use these plugins on quite a few, if not all, of my blogs and sites (18+). They have proved helpful, and continue to work effectively for me and I didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure them out (which was certainly nice). So here is my list:

1.) All In One SEO Pack by Automattic: Out-of-the-box SEO for your WordPress blog

2.) Bookmark Export by Timo Schlueter: Bookmark Export makes it possible to push your blogs status importing your blog-posts/pages into social bookmarking services

3.) Disqus Comment System by Disqus: The Disqus comment process swaps your WordPress comment system with your feedback published and powered by Disqus

4.) Facebook Comments by James Low: Replicates comments from your imported Facebook Notes back into your blog articles

5.) Keyword Strategy Internal Links by Keyword Strategy: Keyword Strategy link generator plugin

6.) Pinterest Badge by Arun: Adds Pinterest contact marker widget to your web site

7.) SEO Slugs by Andrei: Eliminates typical text like 'a', 'the', 'in' from blog post slugs to improve SEO

8.) Shareaholic by Shareaholic: Shareaholic adds a (X)HTML agreeable list of social bookmarking icons to each of your posts

9.) Ultimate Follow Me Plugin by Free Blog Factory: Tired of the complicated and bulky "follow me" plugins for WordPress? Showcase any or all of your Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, youtube, and buzz profiles with your personal choice of button design

10.) W3 Total Cache by Fredrick Townes: Significantly increase the speed and buyer experience of your website. Incorporate browser, page, and object and database caching as well as minify and content delivery network (CDN) to WordPress

If this is your very first time looking into plugins, or your not 100% what to do; before you begin writing a lot of content, it's recommended that you ensure that you can use these plugins using the theme you chose. So download the plugins first. When you're in your site's "backoffice", go to "plugins" to the left and choose "add new."

Posting Ideas To Get Traffic To Your Blog   Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?   How to Keep Your Audience Interested in What You're Saying   Online Marketing System: Earn While You Learn How to Promote Your Own Stuff   

How To Start A Blog - Do It Yourself

Blogs have become very powerful tools for marketing products and services. It is easy to learn how to start a blog because there are lots of tools available to help anyone interested in building their own personal or professional blog. That includes business owners who want to get their websites seen.

Before setting up your blog, it's important that you do some keyword research to find out what the best keywords and phrases are for your niche. Google has a keyword tool to help in this research. If you have already found you niche you are ready to find the keywords for it, but if you haven't just search some topics you are interested in. You will find what you are after.

Once you have found the keywords you want to use, it is time to get a domain name that includes them. Be sure that your domain name is not too long though so it will be easier to remember. Some people will bookmark it, but others won't so be safe rather than sorry. By getting your domain name before even having a website you are helping to brand your domain according to the keywords people are searching for.

It is not necessary that the name of your site reflects the products or services you are selling; just that it incorporates the keywords that people are looking for information about. This provides a keyword rich title that will pull people in so that you can sell to them after you have built a relationship.

After getting your domain name during the learning process of how to create a blog, it is time to secure hosting for your site. The hosting account is where all the files for your site will be stored. Inside the hosting account you will find a cPanel which allows you to upload files and create all the databases needed for your site. Most even provide the opportunity to download blogging platforms such as WordPress, and Blogger.

Additionally, many hosting service providers offer to those who are just learning how to start a blog easy to access services that help them create the look they want for their sites. This is where you can connect your blogging platform with your site and then start blogging to drive traffic your way.

After learning how to create a blog, you will want to learn more about how to use capture pages to add to your mailing list, and insert videos for greater visibility. There are so many things that can be done with blogs, but if you are a business owner you will first have to learn how to make your blog and keep visitors coming back.

Posting Ideas To Get Traffic To Your Blog   Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?   How to Keep Your Audience Interested in What You're Saying   Things to Look For in an SEO Expert   

How to Start a Blog

If you have not noticed the internet is probably hotter compared to the hottest Hollywood "It Girl". Millions of people worldwide use the internet for a number of reasons; work, school, research, communication - name it, the internet does the job. A generation of "netizens" or citizens of the net have created a world of cyberspace where anyone and everyone can do anything at any given time. If there is one thing that the internet has made possible - it is for people to get themselves heard online. There's social networking to connect with friends, online videos to promote one's self and of course, blogging for people who love to write.

Blogging has redefined itself throughout the years and bloggers worldwide have also evolved into a different class online. In a nutshell blogging is basically writing about anything online likened to writing a journal or a diary. So, what are the steps to follow on how to start a blog? There are a million tips online that could teach you how to start a blog but there are simple ways of doing so.

Find your Blogger identity.

To put it simply, you have to find your niche. "What kind of blogger do you want to be?" is an important question that you need to ask before starting a blog. There are different kinds of bloggers online and they talk about almost any topic known to man; bloggers who talk about fashion, technology, sports, music, movies, food, traveling or just about their day-to-day lives. A variety of writers found their niche by writing what they love and what they are interested in and you can too.

If there is one thing that stops people from pushing through with starting a blog it is the fear of what if it won't be interesting enough for people to read. Do not over think and over analyze. Just write what you love and people will love it too.

Choose a Blog Platform

After deciding on what kind of blog you want to put up, choose your blog platform that will host your blog site. There are a number of sites that offer free hosting like Blogger, WordPress, or Tumblr these are only to name a few. These blog hosting sites allow you to have a blog for free and sometimes would even assist you on how to start a blog. These blog hosting sites even let you store the photographs that you want to include in your posts.

Choose the right blog hosting site that will suit your needs but if you have no idea, you can always read reviews online and see what people think about these sites.

The Name Game

In the blogging world, your name is your identity. Other bloggers will identify and associate you with that name. You have to think of your name as a brand, in the long run when your blog will have more loyal readers and followers they will promote you to other bloggers with that name. Make sure that name is unique and represents who you really are or what your blog is about. You can go the mysterious route, the cutesy names or be a no nonsense blogger using simply your name.

Get yourself out there

Depending on whether you write about a specific topic or you talk about personal stuff the main reason you blog is for sharing and being heard. Promote your blog to readers through social networking, post up links of your new posts. Eventually word will get out of about a new blog until you hit your target audience. And, in the long run the more your readership will expand you may even earn from it.

Blogging is open to anyone who wants to write, it doesn't matter if you are a professional writer or you simply write to express yourself, just take the step to begin your blogging journey.

Posting Ideas To Get Traffic To Your Blog   Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?   How to Keep Your Audience Interested in What You're Saying   Online Marketing System: Earn While You Learn How to Promote Your Own Stuff   The Lazy Bloggers Way to Creative Copywriting   

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